Fit Nurse Av

My blog about maintaining balance through a busy life whether it be shift work, study or anything else!

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Stress, we all feel it.

** It all begins with you. If you do not care for yourself you will not be strong enough to care for anything in your life.**

Firstly I apologise that I have been MIA my friends. I’m still getting the hang of this whole blogging thing and to be honest I absolutely love my IG and snapchat but I try not to let them rule my life and live in the moment a little too.

My absolute favourite quote at the moment is ‘You cannot drink from an empty cup.’

Today I wanted to talk about stress. We all feel it and some of us more than others. As a nurse working in a high pressured ward environment, stress can occur very quickly and often builds over a shift. But this is the same with many jobs and definitely with study! I am still in that study boat so I am familiar with the stress that it adds to your life.

How do I cope? Simple. Exercise. I am so fortunate that I REALLY enjoy exercise. I love the...

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What do you think people misunderstand most about you?

And the getting to know me posts continue! So this is a question that resonates so so deeply with me and I thought it would be really invigorating to post this.

People often get the wrong impression of me. When they meet me, they meet usually an extroverted, chatty, confidence, socially capable person and most often I am referred to as ‘bubbly’ which I personally believe is some people’s subtle way of saying loud and intense. Everything I undertake is completed with care and effort and very rarely will you see me give 50%- I am an all or nothing person and I set my standards high for myself.

I have felt feelings of anxiety in most social settings for as long as I can remember. By the term anxiety I mean my heart feels like it is racing, I feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable and I do not like awkward silences. So for some or most people this usually translates as shy and intimidated but...

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Legitimate fears

Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

  • Nelson Mandela

Ok so these first few posts are a bit about getting to know me because honestly that is the aim of my blog! I basically just want to share my experiences with you all. I’m not perfect and I am not trying to be. I am human! On that note I found this was a popular question online that many bloggers were asked. I guess fears make us all human and real and it’s interesting to see what is it that we fear. My best friend has a fear of fruit, she hates the smell, the texture and she used to not even be able to touch it. Honestly it sounds funny but there is nothing to be ashamed of! She is a highly successful human, it is just fascinating to see the...

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About me, Av!

A bit of a cheesy Q and A to get me started! I hope you guys enjoy this, I thought it would help to get to know me a bit better. Here it goes!

1. What is your middle name?
My middle name is Jade - my Mum loved the name when she was younger.

2. What was favourite subject at school?
My favourite subject was legal studies hence why I’ve ended up studying law after my nursing degree.

3. What is your favourite drink?
Honestly I’m not much of a drinker when it comes to alcohol. It’s purely a personal thing I just don’t really enjoy the taste. My favourite drink is coffee 100%! It’s basically survival for me or any shift worker or any everyday person for that matter!

4. What is your favourite song at the moment?
At the moment I am LOVING Ed Sheeran’s new album Divide. But the song I have been belting out lately is Adele’s ‘Water Under The Bridge’ it is AMAZING.

5. What is your favourite...

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